The snow is deep out there, but our 2025 Run 4 Kids Team is already out putting one foot in front of the other, getting ready for the Missoula Marathon in June.
There’s room for you on our Team! Whether you run the Full, The Half, walk or do the 5K, there will be training involved. Most likely there will be days when it is gloomy outside or you just don’t feel like lacing up and getting out there. Knowing your training is part of something bigger is like having the wind at your back. Having a Team by your side helps the miles fly by.
It’s that time of year when summer feels far, far away. We remind ourselves that winter never actually lasts forever and that greener, sunnier days are on the way. This is an apt metaphor for our work here at Youth Homes. We are showing the kids in our care that sunnier days ahead are possible. Those are hard-earned sunny days for the most part. These kids do a lot of work to heal from their traumas. That internal work is not unlike the long training that goes into a marathon. It can feel like a slog, it can be grueling, but the victory is all the sweeter for it and the pay-off is worth it.
Last year our Run 4 Kids Team raised a whopping $82,000 in support of the work we do and the kids we do it for. We can do even better in 2025 with your help. Join, Sponsor or Support a Team Member and know that those dollars have will have an immediate, positive impact on the lives of vulnerable youth in our community.
Learn more here:
The holidays can be especially challenging for the youth in our care. Their lives often look very different from their peers’, and they face hardships and stigmas that no child should have to endure.
One powerful way you can impact the lives of the youth in our care is to help sponsor a shared experience during the holiday break. These group outings, like skiing, visiting waterparks, or overnight stays at a hot springs, not only create joy and excitement but also help foster connections between youth and staff, building trust and creating lifelong memories. LEARN MORE!
Since we began holding this event in 1981, this was by-far the rainiest event we’ve experienced! Despite that fact, so many of you remained committed to attend, were patient with staff and volunteers as we managed how the weather was impacting your experience, and most importantly, gave generously! Thank you to all who joined us on September 11th and to our sponsors who helped make this event a reality! We hope to see you again on September 10th, 2025 – on what is sure to be a gorgeous and sunny late summer evening in Missoula!
The Great Fish Community Challenge August 8-Sept 13
Your gift provides support to every youth who comes into our care; ensuring them a safe home surrounded by caring adults to help them navigate the journey through abuse, mental health issues, and substance dependency. Together, lives are changed!
Our goal is $85,000 and with your help, we can do it!!
During the Great Fish Community Challenge, your gift not only supports our care for kids but through the percentage matching grant from the Whitefish Community Foundation, your investment goes even further.
Would you like a career that makes an impact on local youth who are in need of positive role models?
If you’d love to be part of an uplifting team in an active work environment that offers a robust benefits package including health insurance, sick leave, generous paid vacation, and 401k, join us today!
Learn more and apply online here!
Winter 2025 – Online
Youth Homes Online Sessions (6pm to 9pm)
We are proud to announce that we have successfully achieved national accreditation through the New York-based Council on Accreditation (COA) following a detailed evaluation of all aspects of our programs, services, management, and administration. Read more…
For those who don’t itemize their taxes…
The CARES Act allows for up to $300 in charitable contributions as an above-the-line deduction, meaning you don’t have to itemize to claim the deduction. Contributions must be cash donation(s) to qualified charities.
In response to social distancing guidelines and Governor Bullock’s stay-at-home order, we rapidly enabled Telehealth options to continue to serve our clients. Read more…
Like all organizations operating in Montana, Youth Homes is facing many challenges resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic. While Montana was one of the last states to report a confirmed case, the virus is here and will likely continue for several months. It has already impacted all facets of the organization. Balancing the need to care for our staff while fulfilling our Mission and responsibility to the youth and families in our care will continue to guide our response as we adapt in this ever-changing environment.
Shop at Perfectly Posh for your personal care items and 25% of all sales will be donated to support Youth Homes!
Support Youth Homes by shopping for products that are better for the environment, safer for your home and promote environmental wellness.
For complete information on how your current shopping habits can benefit Youth Homes Inc. and be healthier for you:
Contact Jennifer Rivera @
We live and learn don’t we. Thank you. – Jennifer Rivera